A happy patient is a well-educated patient. It is our aim to have patient happy after cataract or RLE surgery, especially with premium IOLs, but how?

Patient education on PC IOLs is a rising discussion topic in the industry.
Working on a patient education approach since 2014, I can firmly say that there are 2 news - a bad one and a good one. And there is a solution exists.
The bad is that we will never find a Holy Graal in this unless the industry invents a new approach in lens exchange that will fully duplicate natural lens behavior.
The good point is that despite there is no way to have an ideal education tool, we can reach a great success in patient conversion rate and increase premium IOLs footprint by implementing the proper workflow in the clinic.
The approach that works is simply time and attention. Easy to say, but difficult to implement, isn't it? Yes, there is no time, resources etc.. but!
If you follow Francesco Carones MD you may know his approach in patient communication. I fully support his approach! From my experience, our most successful customers have dedicated people well-trained to work with patients to save chair time of a surgeon.
At Technomedex Group, keeping the focus on customer support and education approach in daily life, we have created a digital resource TMX-academy helping our customers to educate themselves and counseling staff, and the sales team is an agent, who provides our surgical customers with educational support.
Sourcing the patient needs insights from my IOL-adviser project for almost 4 years now helps a lot to understand the bottle necks in communication.
All my experience says - it works, and it is possible to implement in any practice. The only critical resource you need at the beginning is a desire to do so.
Once you realize the desire, the next step here is to select a proper personality profile for that function and then implement good education and training for that person or team.
I am working closely with individual private practices or large clinics to help set up the proper patient journey and embed patient education at the proper points as a dedicated OSVC consulting project.
There is no ideal IOL exist, and there is no ideal patient communication pattern exist, simply because every person is unique. It is the nature of the ophthalmic surgical industry, and strictly speaking, it is the nature of the entire healthcare.
Stay tuned, more insights to be shared:)
Oleksii Sologub
International ophthalmic business consultant.